飯嶋久美子が、4月29日に開催された「Girls Award」スペシャルステージ、「LUMINE」のスタイリングを手掛けました。
Kumiko Iijima worked on Girls Award's special stage, featuring LUMINE as a stylist on April 29.
St. Kumiko Iijima
SONY VAIO - 第10回目のWallpaper がリリースされました。今回はVAIO C Seriesの壁紙です。VAIO公式サイトより、ぜひダウンロードください。
A new VAIO's wallpaper is released. The wallpaper is for VAIO C Series, and is available via VAIO official website.
Kumiko Iijima worked on a visual image for a brand new select shop, "OPTRICO" produced by MARCOMONDE as a stylist.
DIR: MARCOMONDE PH: Fumio Doi ST: Kumiko Iijima Hair:YUUK (super sonic) Make:SAKURA Set Design:Enzo lighting:Ryo Shima Retouch:Sunao Sakurai
Kumiko Iijima worked on the wardrobe styling for a new single "Onnanokowa Daredemo"(fly me to heaven) by TOKYO INCIDENTS. The single will be released on May 11. Meanwhile, you can take a sneak preview via their official site.
Dir: Yuichi Kodama (caviar) ST & Costume Designer: Kumiko Iijima
このたびの東北地方太平洋沖地震により被災された皆様には、心よりお見舞いを申し上げます。また、IUGOでは「Think the Earth基金」に賛同し、被災地における諸団体の支援活動を応援いたします。
IUGO would like to extend its deepest condolences to the victims of this devastating earthquake, and its sincere prayers for the reconstruction of the affected regions. IUGO would like to ask for your suuport through "Think the Earth Fund" which will disburse funds to various organizations on the ground.
結城剛太が、DEAN & DELUCAの商品、「三段重」の春のキャンペーンを撮り下ろしました。
Gorta Yuuki worked on a spring campaign, featuring a product, "Sandan-jyu" (a special bento box) for DEAN & DELUCA as a photographer.
Kumiko is featured on her styling for a fashion-themed movie, "Runway☆Beat" in Asahi Newspaper. Please check it out.
Dir: Kentaro Otani Screenplay: Izumi Takahashi Original novel: Maha Harada ST: Kumiko Iijima Cast: Koji Seto Nanami Sakuraba
Kumiko Iijima worked on an a fashion themed movie, "Runway☆Beat" as a stylist. It is currently showing at theaters nationwide. Please stop by at one of these theaters and check it out!
Dir: Kentaro Otani Screenplay: Izumi Takahashi Original novel: Maha Harada ST: Kumiko Iijima Cast: Koji Seto Nanami Sakuraba
Gorta Yuuki worked on a monthly visual campaign for "WINESUKI" by Mercian and Nippon Liquor Ltd. A new image will be released every month.